Friday, January 13, 2012

Lamictal Side Effect #4: Weird Food Cravings

In my continuing series on weird lamictal side effects, I will today be writing about a particularly odd one.  It's related to the second most persistant and annoying side effect, loss of appetite; but this one has to do with the kinds of foods I do have an appetite for.

In short, they're high in salt and fat.

Since I started taking this stuff I've been into really weird omelets.  And when I say weird, I mean weird: last summer I making omelets out of a raw tomato sauce that had tuna fish, olives, capers, and arugula in it.  Salt and fat.  But I can eat this kind of thing when my usual sedate breakfast of yogurt and gluten-free bread just seems unappetizing.

I'd think I was pregnant, only I know with 100% certainty that I'm not.

Previous posts in the series include #1: Delayed Sleep Phase; #2: Loss of Appetite; and #3: Digestive Issues.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I'm from Brazil and I found your blog while searching for information about lamotrigine and food cravings. I've been taking lamotrigina since last November and in January the doc increased my dosage from 25mg to 50mg. And I really feel hungry ALL THE TIME and my cravings are always about food with salt and fat. Isnt that strange??? And the hungry is really unbereable after 6pm. It is very difficult to deal with this side effect, because I need to lose weight! Thank you for sharing this info -


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