Friday, December 9, 2011

Lamictal Stupids, Abilify Stupids, and a Third Degree Burn

The "lamictal stupids" are a reasonably well-known side effect of that med.  As for Abilify, it's a partial dopamine antagonist, so I guess it's not surprising that it has its own stupids.  But what happens when you add them together?

You get something that a friend of mine once called "not just stupid, but STOOPID".

My crowning Abilify achievement from last year was leaving my keys in my front door.  I live in a not-great neighborhood of a major city.  Thank the gods a decent person rand my doorbell to let me know: "that could be really dangerous!" he said.  Yes, I know.  That's why I've never done it before.

Since starting Abilify this year, I don't think I've remembered to lock my car even once.  Then I left my backpack (where I keep my wallet) in my car with the door wide open as I went to put away a shopping cart. 

The crowning achievement for this year: burning myself on the inside of the oven as I was reheating some pizza  (Abilify also seems to interfere with my ability to know where my hands are).  Then I forgot about it.  Later that night a noticed a classmate looking at my forearm, where there seemed to be a bad scrape with a bruise.  "That's weird," I thought.  I went home and tried to figure out what I'd hit my forearm on.  Then I forgot about it.

Two days later, the scab came off.  And I realized that it wasn't a bruise, or a scrape.  It was a godsdamn third degree burn.  Then I remembered burning myself reaching for the pizza. 

Now, between being a Girl Scout, and then a lifeguard, and then a Girl Scout camp counselor, and then a Girl Scout troop leader, I've been certified in first aid for at least half my life.  I damn well know what a third degree burn looks like.  And yet, it took two days for it to dawn on me that I was looking at a third degree burn.  Of course, for the prior two days, I was not caring for the burn at all.  I was waiting for the "scrape" to heal.

Now I'm doing the neosporin thing, and trying to keep it protected.  But I suspect this will leave a permanent scar.

Thanks, Abilify.

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